Monday, August 4, 2008

For the Astronomically Inclined

This being the second post, I've been thinking heavily about whether I'd like this blog to contain any particular theme. Naw...

For right now, I'm serving up a steady mix of your favorite eclectic media and original work. :)

So, without further ado, today I learned about this little guy:

Brought to you by the University of Arizona and Google (among others), its a big telescope called LSST. Basically, its a newfangled thing that has the resolution of the modern big boy telescopes but can scan the entire night sky in a day. The big deal is that this thing could show us a running play by play of every supernova or other big event happening in the universe in near real time, at current high end resolution levels.

Just think, in the future we could go onto Google Sky and see what's going on up there, anywhere, a day after the light reaches earth. I'm geeking out! :)

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