Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'm currently staying on an atoll in the Indian Ocean, 7 degrees south of the equator. It is heaven on earth here. A few days after arriving we had a big fish cookout, where I actually ate raw tuna mostly, which had been caught earlier in the day. I also had something called a Wahoo fish, which was pretty good. Apparently it looks a bit like a barracuda, without the teeth.

Also, yesterday I had the opportunity to go mountain biking on this trail that went through the palm forest. It wasn't very hilly, but between the palm fronds everywhere and the coconuts, it was very challenging. Thankfully the sun was kept from beating down too hard due to the low but full canopy along the path. The trail ended at a Filipino village next to a particularly active Indian Ocean, which was churning out nice 6-8 foot waves for us. I've never personally seen waves like this, and it was awesome. Nearby the Filipinos had erected a shrine to Mary, which made the area a bit more quiet, despite the crashing waves.

Coral and tidal pools were in the area, and you could see the small fiddler crabs darting among the rocks as tiny bait fish swam in the shallow pools made in the rock. There are crabs, lizards, and various sea birds everywhere throughout the island, and occasionally you can spot a turtle or exotic fish in the water. Seashells litter every stretch of beach. In short, this is a perfectly pristine island the likes of which I have never seen.

This is Paradise.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Night in the Middle East

Last night I went off base for the first time. This country is the most desolate inhabited place I have ever been. The landscape is more akin to Mars than most anything else. That said, you can imagine my surprise when we ventured into the city. Plants, large shrubs approaching the size of trees were seemingly everywhere, tended by people employed by the natives to do all their lesser tasks. Traveling along the road you could see people from cultures from all around the Indian Ocean area, with the most prevalent being Indians themselves.

You see, this country's population only has a small fraction of original people in it. When they discovered oil, they decided to hire a bunch of foreigners to build their cities and tend their gardens, presumably so they could live lives of luxury or dedicated to other, more lofty tasks. Its widely viewed as a form of indentured servitude.

The result was that as we drove around, you see opulence everywhere. The Palace downtown was several football fields long/wide, and skyscrapers rose up next to the sea. Occasionally minarets could be seen with loudspeakers hanging off of them, awaiting the call to prayer.

I spent the better part of the evening touring the shopping districts. The first one was largely of Indian influence. A guy I was with wanted to find a particular hookah shop, and so we toured with that in mind, going into random shops and asking where it was. This resulted in long polite conversations in broken English which invariably led us to different parts of the shopping district and we searched in effect to no avail.

At this point it should be noted that the shopping districts here are perfectly suited to nighttime shopping. With temperatures going up into the 130s during the summer, there is little wonder why. The culture here is understandably nocturnal. Shop lights gently accent the streets in a myriad of colors, and a gentle breeze pervaded throughout open shop doors and windows. The activity of people from so many countries was intriguing, relaxing, above all foreign. You could see the occasional Arab in his full length white robes, perhaps with a wife trailing behind in all black, covered almost completely. More common were people in collared shirts and slacks, or wearing two piece, flowing garments with small hats. there were lawns at the roundabouts (the city is built on a designs of concentric circles), and you could see people lounging on the grass in small groups as the sun went down, talking.

The traffic here was unlike any I have ever seen: cars constantly jockeying for position, passing, swerving, honking, every sign a suggestion. The bigger or fancier the vehicle, the more recklessly it was driven. Presumably the rich natives drive the Lexus SUVs which never seem to brake. The end result was that at least in this city, evolution is still in place. The weak are crushed, the rich and those who use public transport survive. At least this is how I imagine it.

By far the best experience of the night was our meal. After walking through a winding market in the older part of the city, we came upon a Moroccan restaurant. Every table was situated either on the roof or along the walkway among the shops. Conversation was had over 2 hours among the locals, who could be seen smoking a variety of hookahs as they casually dined. The service here was outstanding. The waiter even brought out a little table for me to put my camera on. Dinner consisted of roast lamb in a sweet marinade with tomatoes and onions. Green olives and chilis were the communal side dish, served with bread. We had mint tea as well, which was the best I've ever had.

Alas, curfew came early and we had to wind back through the market to our car, which was not so much parked as it was jammed haphazardly among much nicer cars in spots seemingly meant for a Geo Metro. As we left the bright lit oasis by the sea, the terrain again turned harsher, more industrial. The highway turned to dirt, the clean white robes turned to camouflage, and we were home.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

On the Significance of Place

I had an interesting thought today while at an eclectic little restaurant in Omaha's Benson district. It was my first time there, and I was impressed. The food was wonderful, the decor splendid. The kind of place that really made you feel alive and excited for the possibilities that come from exploring a new place.

So I'm eating my pumpkin pancakes and ham, and a friend leans over and confides in me, saying, "You know, this place used to be a pawn shop. You're eating where someone got shot and killed a few years back."

Lovely thought. I kept eating. Delicious.

Perhaps its a defect of whatever part of me should be expressing empathy and disgust, but I just couldn't muster either. Instead what immediately came to mind as I swallowed another bite of fresh, seasonal fruit was that surely, in addition to death occurring on this very spot, there must have been life and birth. The sheer amount of life on this planet being what it is, there must have been millions upon millions of organisms living on this spot at one point or other.

To mark it by one unfortunate incident seems trite, even selfish.

Hell, for all I know the place where I live could have been the sight of a great ancient holocaust, but I enjoy it very much. I suppose I could conclude by saying that there is good and bad in everything, but it makes far more sense to say that a place just is, and be done with it.

I find floral bouquets along highways annoying for the same reason. How many people commuting for some reason or other had a positive experience at the same spot where someone else died horribly, or even had a bad day? The place, I guarantee, doesn't care about flower bouquets, which are going to rot anyway. People might appreciate a few wildflower seeds, though.

The earth is for the living, so live!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Nebraska Ain't Bad

This is just a quick post to keep some sort of online pulse going. I can't say I've been overly busy, but I have been active. Several weekend trips to wedding receptions, family reunions, campgrounds, and farms across eastern Nebraska have brought me to the conclusion that despite my itch to travel far and wide, this place is wonderful for staying.

More to come.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It hadn't occurred to this Texas boy, but I'm part Nebraskan by heritage. This is Verdigre, Nebraska, home of the finest koloches in all America. Their sign said so. This area is also famous for raising farmer's daughters that become grandmothers to blogging individuals like myself. Fascinating!

Walnut, Nebraska's once thriving educational system still makes for a good photo op.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Platte River State Park

This being an eclectic blog, I figured I'd start posting to occasional random photo set that comes out of my camera.

Last weekend my girlfriend and I headed down to Platte River State Park, a delightful little network of hiking trails along the Platte River, south of Omaha.

It didn't take long to find the local fauna. My girlfriend caught a toad, obviously. The toad was understandably upset, and she got peed on as a result.

Some kind of butterfly minding its own business.

My favorite: we saw four deer in all (all does). Perhaps its the same in other places, but personally I've never lived in a place where the deer are so tame as they are in the Omaha area. I was in a state park, but honestly, I might have gotten this shot a block from my home in the city. The deer in this state have very little fear of people. Its kind of nice.